Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Looking for Alaska Book Review - 1001 Words

Looking For Alaska by John Green. This book is divided into two sections, Before and After. Summary Before. â€Å"Francois Rabelais. He was a poet. And his last words were ‘’I go to seek a Great Perhaps.’’ That’s why I’m going. So I don’t have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps.† Sixteen-year-old Miles (Pudge) Halter’s life has been devastatingly dull. He has no friends, no girls and no adventures, except for an obsession over the last words of dead famous people. And so he leaves Florida for a boarding school in Alabama, in hope to find the Great Perhaps. There, he befriends an interesting group of students consisting of his genius-scholarship-student roommate, Colonel; the witty-rap-obsessed Japanese,†¦show more content†¦This book deals with teens in a realistic and important way. The sprinkling of famous last words and philosophies completes the plot with precise dosage, rather than distract. And the characters, flawed as it is are still very human, well-developed and their actions come across as genuine. This book connects itself so much to me that at one point, I could basically picture myself as Miles ‘Pudge’ Halter. I have so much in common with him, that I’m able to read the book from my point of view. When he says things like â€Å"I hated sports. I hated sports, and I hated people who played them, and I hated people who watched them, and I hated people who didnt hate people who watched or played them.† and â€Å"I hated talking, and I hated listening to everyone else stumble on their words and try to phrase things in the vaguest possible way so they wouldn’t sound dumb.† I laughed so loud that my mom thought I was on drugs. There were lumps inside my throat when I read the last page of the book. Because I’d like to believe Alaska isn’t dead. I’d like to picture her smoking or drinking in the barn, sorting out her priorities. I’d like to picture her driving home, and stopping at her boyfriend’ s house to tell him it’s over. I know she isn’t fully committed to her boyfriend. If she loved her boyfriends, she wouldn’t have felt the need to say it to Pudge. I’d like to see her at home, reading a book alone in her room and most of all, I want to see her happily in love with Pudge. I want toShow MoreRelatedEssay on John Green6381 Words   |  26 Pagesin 2000 with a double major in English and Religious Studies. For a few consecutive years, he exerted himself for the book review journal Booklist as both a publishing assistant along with production editor. While committed to the job, he was also writing his first book Looking for Alaska. Not only did he have those jobs, he also critiqued books for The New York Times Book Review and helped out Chicago’s public radio station. Green then moved and lived with his wife in New York City for two yearsRead MoreAnalysis Of John Green s Life2198 Words   |  9 PagesNew York Times best selling books an d two major motion pictures. Some of Green’s work includes Looking for Alaska, The Fault in our Stars, Paper Towns, and Abundances of Katharine’s. John Green is one of the greatest young adult authors, vloggers, producers, and actors of our time. John Green was born on August 24, 1977 to Mike and Sydney Green in Indianapolis, Indiana. His family and him also spent a lot of their time in Florida, where most of the characters in his books came from. Green attendedRead MoreJohn green Essay example6063 Words   |  25 Pagesvideos. He won the 2006  Printz Award  for his debut novel,  Looking for Alaska,  and reached number one on a  New York Times Best Seller list  with  The Fault in Our Stars  in January 2012. Green was born in Indianapolis to Mike and Sydney Green  and his family moved three weeks after he was born  to  Orlando, Florida.  He attended Lake Highland Preparatory School  and  Indian Springs School  (which he later used as the main setting for  Looking for Alaska),  a boarding and day school outside of  Birmingham, Alabama  andRead MorePlan Your Luxury Cruise and Get the Best Deal1541 Words   |  6 Pageswhile on your cruise? Most luxury cruise ships have a small chapel used just for this purpose. What sort of amenities are you looking for? Is it important to you that the ship have a spa? Shopping? Activities for your children? Check out the offerings of each cruise line before you make up your mind. To help narrow down your search, look for any web sites that offer reviews on the different cruise lines. 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This paper will attempt to review the philosophical quandary of the existence of evil and if evil exists can God exist and if so can this God still be declared perfect? The epistemological issue that arises is One’s knowledge of God and the validity of God’s existence. What is good and what is evil? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definesRead MoreThe Special Library And Archive1251 Words   |  6 Pagesprofessional staff, community service, accessibility and assistance. A modern overlap of libraries and archives can be found in the LAM (Library, Archive and Museum). As the public becomes more networked, users of these individual institutions are often looking for information about a specific subject, but are not necessarily concerned about the source from which the information comes. The need to access all types of information freely, easily and immediately is on the rise in an increasingly digitized worldRead MoreDisney s Role As A Monopoly1578 Words   |  7 Pagesladder. In 1995 Disney acquired ABC for 19 million dollars which has been said has been disneys greatest achievement. In 1998 Disney moved into the travel business and offered the Disney Cruise line which went to the caribbean and eventually to Mexico, Alaska, and the Mediterranean. Starting in 1995 Disney and pixar had an agreement where they would split 50-50 cost and split 50-50 of the earns for the next five movies pixar made. In 2005 steve jobs one of the majority shareholder for pixar threated DisneyRead MoreWith Reference to Bp Plc’s (British Petroleum’s) Strategies Analyse the Possibility That It Is Old Fashioned to Consider the Influence of the Firm’s Home Country’s Institutions and Culture.2527 Words   |  11 Pagesfew people will retain a large proportion of power influence and wealth. Individualism (IDV) which can be contrasted with collectivism. The inference being that individualistic societies have a less integrated group dynamics, the emphasis on looking after oneself and perhaps your own nuclear family. Whilst collectivist societies tend to be viewed as having tight group cohesion with the emphasis on the ties between members of extended families and those in one’s community. Masculinity (MAS)Read MoreEssay about The Public-Private Prison Debate2326 Words   |  10 Pagespercent of the total prison expense. Because of this fiscal pressure, governments are looking for alternatives to the public prison system. The predominant idea for reformation is privatization of prisons. Journals abound with responses to this idea including Ph.D. Gaes’s article in the National Institute of Justice Journal, L. Beaty’s article in The Case Journal, and R. Culp’s article in the Criminal Justice Policy Review. In Gaes’s article, his problem with the decision to transfer prisons into private

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Hemingway and Symbolism - 2162 Words

Hemingway and Symbolism Ernest Hemingway and Symbolism Ernest Miller Hemingway is a well-known American author who wrote in the twentieth century. He has written several novels such as, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea. The Sun Also Rises was finished on April1, 1926 and was published in October of 1926. The Sun Also Rises was Hemingways expression of his own life. He had changed the names of his friends and some of the details, but the real identities of the characters were obvious to anyone in Paris. The Sun Also Rises encapsulates the angst of the post-World War I generation, know as the Lost Generation. This poignantly beautiful story of a group of American and English expatriates†¦show more content†¦In high school he was mediocre at sports, playing football, swimming, water basketball and serving as the track team manager. He also worked on the school newspaper called the Trapeze. Hemingway graduated in the spring of 1917 and instead of going to college the following fall like his parents expected; he took a job as a reporter for the Kansas City Star. Hemingway signed up as a volunteer ambulance driver for the Red Cross during WWI. He was accepted in December of 1917, left his job at the paper in April of 1918, and sailed for Europe in May. When Hemingway returned home from Italy in January of 1919 he found Oak Park dull compared to the adventures of war. With a letter of introduction from Sherwood Anderson, Hemingway met some of Paris prominent writers and artists and forged quick friendships with them during his first few years. Counted among those friends were Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, Sylvia Beach, James Joyce, Max Eastman, Lincoln Steffens and Wyndahm Lewis, and he was acquainted with the painters Miro and Picasso. Hemingway was inspired to write different works at different times because of the events that occured in his life. Hemingway died July 2, 1961, at his home, as the result of self-inflicted gunshot wounds. Ernest Hemingway had a different style of writing than the other authors in his time. The Sun Also Rises is the book that established Hemingway as a literary force and itShow MoreRelatedErnest Hemingway Indian Camp Symbolism1137 Words   |  5 PagesAmong all the stories I had the chance to read in this course, â€Å"Indian Camp† by Ernest Hemingway kept on reappearing on my mind, as if it was part of a movie I recently watched and its juxtapose of complexity vs. simplicity was longing for a deeper understanding and appreciation. Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"Indian Camp† includes symbols with deeper meanings within the imagery and characters. The story is very straight forward, simple and minimalist. It doesn’t beat around the bush, exposing unnecessaryRead MoreThe Symbolism of Water in A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway603 Words   |  3 PagesThe Symbolism of Water in A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway, is a story about love and war. Frederic Henry, a young American, works as an ambulance driver for the Italian army in World War I. He falls tragically in love with a beautiful English nurse, Miss Catherine Barkley. This tragedy is reflected by water. Throughout the novel Ernest Hemingway uses water as metaphors. Rivers are used as symbols of rebirth and escape and rain as tragedy andRead More Symbolism in Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway1687 Words   |  7 Pageswell-written short story, different literary elements and terms are incorporated into the story by the author. Ernest Hemingway frequently uses various literary elements in his writing to entice the reader and enhance each piece that he writes. In Hills Like White Elephants, Hemingway uses symbols to teach the reader certain things that one may encounter during daily life. Symbolism may be defined as relating to, using, or proceeding by means of symbols (Princeton). T he use of symbols in Hills LikeRead More Symbols and Symbolism in A Clean Well-Lighted Place, By Hemingway717 Words   |  3 PagesSymbolism in A Clean Well-Lighted Place    Symbolism, may be defined as a non-superficial representation of an idea or belief that goes beyond what is seen.   Earnest Hemingways A Clean Well-Lighted Place uses symbolism to help convey the theme of Nihilism, the philosophy that there is nothing heavenly to believe in.   It discusses that there is no supernatural reason or explanation of how the world is today.   Three symbols: the soldier, the cafà ©, and the shadows of the leaves, found inRead MoreThe Symbolism in â€Å"The Hills Like White Elephants† by Ernest Hemingway548 Words   |  3 Pagesfor a train to Madrid. While they wait they order drinks and have a heated ongoing conversation over whether or not Jig will have an operation that would be of great significance to their relationship. â€Å"The Hills Like White Elephants† by Ernest Hemingway has two important symbols in the story, the hills and the drinks both of which help to give us a better understanding of what is going on between the Ameri can and his girl. The story begins with a vivid description of a train station surroundedRead MoreSymbolism In Hills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway844 Words   |  4 PagesWhite Elephants,† I noticed the characters drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Alcohol is notoriously known for its ‘cure-all or drink until you forget why you started’ abilities. Therefore, I wanted to start with Hills Like White Elephants. When Hemingway first eases the readers into the story, he talks about a junction where a man and woman are waiting for their train. While at this junction, both parties are continuously throwing back beer after beer. Max Kaisler would suggest, â€Å"Drinking is theRead MoreSymbolism In Hills Like White Elephants By Ernest Hemingway992 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1927, Ernest Hemingway penned a short story titled, â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants.† The story takes place at a train station in Spain and depicts a troublesome dilemma for the two main characters. The story begins with the characters casually discussing what kind of beer to partake in; the tone quickly shifts when the man mentions a surgery to his female friend, Jig. The reader is left to infer that the two characters are discussing an abortion. Ernest Hemingway uses symbolism throughout the storyRead MoreSymbolism Of Ernest Hemingway s Young Goodman Brown989 Words   |  4 Pagesfive minutes, and with no resolution concerning the abortion or the couple’s relationship. Ernest Hemingway does not waste a word or line in this short story, giving everything a deeper meaning or importance. Hemingway uses various images and objects that project emotions and feelings that are not explained in words. They are left for the reader to infere for themselves. By looking at the symbolism of the title, the scenery, and drinks, we are able to analyze the truth in the couple’s relationshipRead MoreSymbolism in Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway Essay1703 Words    |  7 PagesWhat is the use of symbolism in writing? Is it merely to confuse the reader or is its true intent to make the reader think about the meaning of the story? A symbol is a person, object, or event that suggests more than its literal meaning (Meyer 220). In Ernest Hemingways short story Hills Like White Elephants, Hemingway uses a plethora of symbols to convey the idea that the young girl, Jig is ambivalent to having an abortion and that her older American boyfriend does not want to have the babyRead MoreThe Theme Of Symbolism In Soldiers Home By Ernest Hemingway1783 Words   |  8 PagesIn 1925, Ernest Hemingway composed the short story â€Å"Soldier’s Home†. The story sheds a light on the experience some veterans encounter. Returning home from war for some soldiers is an exuberant experience. However, for other soldiers, the experience is full of isolation and lack of connection. Hemingway uses a variety of literary elements to portray his message. The setting of the story is the summer of 1919 in a small Oklahoma town. World War 1 just ended two years prior and the main character

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Homeless People in the World - 690 Words

Homeless people in the world: what are the reasons for it and what are the methods to solve the problem. Today it is unfortunately homelessness is very wide and is spreading rapidly around the world. The causes may be quite different: it can be a high rent for housing, low pay, mental disability, loss of all family members, etc. When people are in a difficult situation, they need to survive, they have not so much alternatives, so they go out on the streets and begging for money. In different countries in different ways the government is trying to solve the problem of homeless people, but the result is still the same. What should we do? How can we help the homeless people? During the time when people started to do lots of research, about homeless people. Have they concluded that usually those who are forced to live on the street are people who: lived in poor areas, had no jobs, drugs, low education etc. Since we know what the main reasons for homelessness are and we have the information we need, it may be possible to avoid and help the people in the beginning before they become homeless. What I think is that the government must reverse itself more to the people who really need help in the poor area. And I mean now help them really both material and moral. Trying to solve the psychological problems which the ex. parents who abuse alcohol, children who are badly in school, etc. They should send the specialists who do their job and can help. I think that if the governmentShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of The Lgbt Homelessness852 Words   |  4 PagesMany people think only certain races are homeless but that is not true. Thirty nine percent of Non-Hispanic whites are homeless compared to seventy six of the general population. Forty two percent of African-Americans are homeless compared to eleven percent of the general population. Thirteen percent of Hispanics are homeless compared to nine percent of the general population. Four percent of homeless are Native-American compared to one percent of the general population. Two percent of homeless wereRead MoreHomelessness Persua sive Speech1217 Words   |  5 PagesHomelessness is the condition of people that do not have a permanent place to live, like a house or an apartment. The issue of homelessness is not subjected to one area, but it is a worldwide problem. Homelessness can result by depending upon a countries economy, and their government because the officials often ignores the issue. Manila, Philippines has 22.8 million who reside in the slums, and 1.2 million of those people are children who live by peddling, or begging on the streets, (Castillo). TheRead MoreVeterans : The Homeless Veterans1245 Words   |  5 Pagesstreets. One major issue in our world today is the increasing number of how many veterans are homeless. After researching I have found the five most commonly discussed topics in this subject are; the number of homeless veterans in the whole United States, the different causes of veterans homelessness, the statistics of different races, ages, and sexes affected, if these people are be ing helped by the government or community-based support groups, and finally the homeless veteran populations around theRead MoreShould Homelessness Be Criminalized?1747 Words   |  7 PagesCriminalized One of the most discussed topics around the world is homelessness. Each and everyday more and more people become homeless. People around the world have tried numerous times to resolve this dilemma. This situation is growing and it s starting to spiral out of control. One solution that s getting popular the more we let this situation grow is that criminalizing the homeless is good. People cannot criminalize the homeless. Homeless people should not be criminalized because they have nowhereRead MoreWhat Can Be Done to Stop Homelessness in America Essay522 Words   |  3 Pagesthe world some places are better that other but every place on earth has homeless people. This paragraph is going to be why the issue is important how it affects people and what people and you can do to help. This is an issue that is important to me after this I hope you do something to help the homeless. This issue is important because there are between 750,000 and 1.3 million people that are homeless and that is just in America and that number is getting bigger due to economic times. People withRead MoreThe Effects Of Today s Media On The Homeless Community Essay1696 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Homeless Community Brad Jones Cisco College Introduction In today’s society, you see an outstanding amount of homelessness in the streets with no sign of stopping anytime in the near future. These numbers continue to climb with the majority of people blaming it on the homeless individual either being too lazy to get a college (sometimes even high school) degree, too lazy to go and at least try to get a job or a combination of both. With this thought process in mind, you could say people areRead MoreSociological Perspective on Homelessness1248 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Student first and last name Course title and number Professors name Due date Sociological Perspective on Homelessness Homelessness is a social problem that is prevalent around the world. Homelessness has existed for much of civilized human history. In the last two centuries, homelessness and changed and expanded. Sociologists who study and research homelessness have argued over its formal definition for decades, though for some, the definition of homelessness seems self explanatory and obviousRead MoreNo Look As You Walk Your Routine Route1521 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Over half a million people are homeless. One quarter of homeless people are children.† (â€Å"10 Facts About Homelessness† par. 4). With the growing community of homeless people one-fourth of that is to be composed of homeless children. A person under the age of eighteen years old who have an absence of proper housing vital for a standard person and teens who were abandoned or thrown out are considered homeless children (â€Å"Homeless Facts† par. 13). The children who are considered homeless typically do notRea d MoreThe Homelessness Of The Homeless1745 Words   |  7 Pages One of the most discussed topics around the world is homelessness. Each and every day more and more people become homeless. People around the world have tried numerous times to resolve this dilemma. This situation is growing and it s starting to spiral out of control. One solution that is getting popular the more we let this situation grow is that criminalizing the homeless is ok. People cannot criminalize the homeless. Homeless people should not be criminalized because they have nowhere to goRead MoreHomelessness : Difficulty Escaping Poverty1321 Words   |  6 Pages19 2016 Homelessness: Difficulty Escaping Poverty A homeless person is someone who lacks housing, including an individual who lives in a supervised public or private facility (What Is the Official Definition of Homelessness?). Being homeless means not having a place to call home, not having a stable income. It is not just individuals that can be homeless. There are millions of families living in poverty and on the streets all around the world, contrary to popular belief it is not an easy process

Feminism Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political,...

Feminism has been around as long as women have been. Feminism according to google is the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. So it is basically women wanting to be treated equally. The history of feminism is pretty sketch considering how it was never called feminism until america got a hold of it. But never the less there are definite matriarchal influences throughout the history of the world. A couple of asian cultures were based off of their religion where it would be ruled or begin with a mother god. Japanese Shintoism has Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, as its figurehead. Amaterasu not only created the rest of the gods but also holds the three treasures of the religion. Daoism is another asian religion in which females are very important. Daoism does not have a mother goddess that influences all but many of the people who rose to godhood were women who are now revered in the religion. Egypt had a matriarch period with cleopatra and even china was for a time ruled by a late emperor’s concubine Empress Wu Zetian. Even the first novel ever, The Tale of Genji, was written by a japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu. Closer to the present Mary Wollstonec raft and her book, A Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790), are argued to be the beginnings of first-wave feminism in the united states. In 1848 a major meeting at Seneca Falls feminist and abolitionist alike authored a declaration of sentiments which assertedShow MoreRelatedFeminism : Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality897 Words   |  4 PagesIn the play Trifles, feminism is portrayed by the female characters in the book as well as the male characters. Feminism is defined as: the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men (â€Å"Feminism†). The female characters are represented in a way that highlights the best characteristics of females, which in turn gives the reader or viewer a strong sense of feminism. The male characters in the book such as: the police officers and the husband show malesRead MoreFeminism And Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equalit y1686 Words   |  7 PagesIs Feminism? In our world today, feminism has become a recent topic of interest, being discussed all over social media, as well as being represented by various celebrity advocates for the movement. There is such a negative connotation with feminism, and this negative connotation more often than not comes from those who have refused to â€Å"come closer† to feminism.1 Because if you take a closer look, it is not all about women who despise men, or the victimization of women. By definition, feminism isRead MoreFeminism : Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1529 Words   |  7 PagesFeminism is a term defined as the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. This theory is centered on women living in patriarchal society. During the 1900s life for women differed greatly from the lives of men. Patriarch communities were very prevalent during this time. As a result Susan Glaspell dedicated many, if not all o f her works as dramas describing the restricting view of women living in the early twentieth century. Feminism shows howRead MoreFeminism : The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1694 Words   |  7 Pages English 2 2/29/16 Jane Eyre and Feminism Feminism is defined as the â€Å"advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men† (Oxford Dictionary). In the past century, the standards of what is considered feminism have changed. At the time Jane Eyre was published, feminism per se did not exist yet. In the Victorian Era any actions done by women that went against the norms for women for that time period were likely considered atrociousRead MoreFeminism, The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality1391 Words   |  6 PagesFeminism, a word defined as, â€Å"the advocacy of women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men,† a word that provokes strong feelings of either support or strong hate. (Webster) The people who do agree with feminism claim that it has helped them with their experiences of oppression because they are female, while others argue that it is against men and promotes hostility . While many argue over what feminism really means, the reputation feminism receives from peopleRead MoreFeminism Is The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On Grounds Of Political, Social, And Economic Equality Essay1068 Words   |  5 PagesFeminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an advocate for women’s rights. She was involved in Progressive Era reform culture. Gilman, author of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, illustrates in the short story that women can overcome the weight patriarchy puts on them mentally. The narrator’s husband, John, displayed paternal behavior towards her which was belittling. Gilman uses metaphors, specifically personificationRead MoreLiberal Feminists Vs Liberal Feminism992 Words   |  4 Pagesor true equality, however. Although they encourage women to challenge a male dominated society for acceptance as an equal, they do not believe that every one possesses equal ability or an equal right to societal resources (Freidman et al., 20111, p. 5), ergo ‘justice’. Equality for liberal feminists means equal opportunity to work for what they want - to compete with men on equal terms in both professional and political arenas (Freidman et al., 20111, p. 6). As far as equality in the social arena,Read MoreSocial Construction And Its Impact On Society Essay1578 Words   |  7 PagesSocial construction Social construction is when words, identities and concepts are socially and historically constructed in a society. In other words, this is when the value and meanings are tied to concepts such as feminity, masculinity, race, class and gender. Hence, this same values and meanings of such concepts change and impact the society we live in. Furthermore, the idea of a social construct is significant in many various ways. For example, social construct helps us understand about feminityRead MoreFeminism And The Feminist Movement Essay1292 Words   |  6 Pagesall, the push for women s suffrage and rights was strong, but further enhanced by leaders like Alice Paul and Jane Addams. The idea of equal rights for all was further scrutinized and contested after civil rights were granted to former slaves. Women began to push for similar equality as illustrated through the feminist movement. The feminist movement became very large and sprouted subsections, one being a subsection of feminism known as social feminism. This branch of feminism was more interestedRead MoreFeminism And Equality Between Men And Women956 Words   |  4 PagesFeminism and Equality Between Men and Women Feminism, the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men (Webster’s Thesaurus Dictionary). Feminist seek to find impartiality between the genders, in not only the work force, but many different aspects of their lives. Feminist are spectated to be individuals who believe in female domination, and that is not precise. Feminist believe that women and men should be treated equal to each other, neither sex

Financial Markets Qantas Airways Limited

Question: Discuss about the Financial Markets for Qantas Airways Limited. Answer: Introduction Qantas Airways Limited is the flag carrier Airways commenced its operations since March 1921. The airline has its headquartered in Mascot, New South Wales, Australia. The airline is located in the suburb of Sydney in Mascot and with the main hub at Sydney Airport. Qantas is aiming in providing the services of 22 specialized cargos which is handling terminal of over 15 major gateways port which will be accessed across Australia, with terminal which is dedicated in the Los Angeles. Qantas freights are having 13 aircraft of the supplements of destination with export and import in and around Australia. Qantas Freight has number of carrier on the logistic specialization. Qantas has many carriers with specialization in logistics all around the world. Qantas is specialized in carrying Express Freighters Australia (EFA), JETS Transport Express and Qantas Courier New Zealand. Qantas has many subsidiaries which are Qantas Link, Jet Star Airways, Jet Connect, Network Aviation, Qantas Freight, A ustralia Air Express, Qantas Holidays and various others. The subsidiaries aim at providing services in Australia and New Zealand which will be flying under the Qantas and also owing to Jet Star Airways and an airline which are cheap and operating from the services internationally under the domestic services between New Zealand and Australia. Qantas is frequently flying services aiming in rewarding the loyalty of the customer. It is getting the points based on the distance flown with bonus varying by the class of travel. Qantas is also providing facilities of Qantas club and lounges for its employees and passengers (Qantas.com.2016). Virgin Australia Holding Limited is public listed Australian airline company who owes and operates Virgin Australia and Tigerair Australia. The company was previously operating on the airlines of the Pacific Blue Airlines which was in a joint venture with Polynesian Airlines (Virgin. 2016). It has its headquarters in Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Australia. In was founded in the year 2000. Some of the subsidiaries of Virgin are Tigerair Australia, Virgin Australia, Virgin Australian Airlines, Virgin Samoa and some more. Chairman of this airline is Elizabeth Bryan and Chief Executive Officer is John Borghetti. Virgin Blue Holdings was formed as a wholly owned subsidiary in the year 2000 of Virgin Group. In the year 2003, Virgin Blue Holdings Limited entered into the ASX because Virgin Group was going to sell, some its holdings. In 2005, Virgin launched a takeover of the hostile in the Australia with 62% holding in the company. In the year 2008, the company announced for the distribution of 9 8.3% of the share to the shareholders of the company and by not remaining in the majority of the holding. During the phase of toll holding, 62.7% of the holdings were attempted for selling the shares for the no availing content was left over. In the year 2012, Etihad Airways had purchased 10% shareholdings to 20% then further on the same year there was next purchase of 10% of the Virgine Holdings by Singapore Airlines. Further on October 2012, Tiger Airways Australia 60% of the holdings was purchased by the Virgin Group. In January 2011, 15% of the Virgin Blue Holdings was purchased by Air New Zealand then by the June 2013 the holdings was increased by 23%. Top down Analysis Top down analysis is process which looks for a big picture of with details of components of smaller. Top down approach is very necessary for breaking down system for achieving profit in the organization (Bierman Jr and Smidt 2012). Top down approach is also called stepwise design and in some of the cases is of the decomposition. The analysis will be conducted on the trend of the of the macro environment of the economic. Top down analysis is the investment approach, which is including a large picture of the market. Top down analysis is determined with the help of Total market estimation. Top-down analysis is done by the fundamental analysis, based on Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis and Company analysis (Vyatkina et al., 2016). For conducting economic analysis comparison will be done with Interest rate structure and GDP growth which will be affecting the above two Airlines. Industry analysis will be conducted through Demand-supply structure and exchange rate effect. Company analysis will be conducted through analysis of dividend and returns (Fornelli et al., 2013). Let us consider the economic analysis first, in respect of economic analysis, an interest rate of the Qantas borrowings has been increased from 5.7% to 6.3%. Whereas, Virgin Holdings Limited has much lower interest rates of borrowings which is 2.8% in 2014 and 3.99% in 2015 (Tvardovskiy et al., 2015). Though the interest rate has increased individually but if the comparison is made then Virgin is getting advantage of due to difference in the interest rate (Guerrero et al., 2015). Similarly, if GDP factor is looked into it is observed that Qantas is providing employment opportunity to 28,622 employees has been working until the year 2015, whereas Virgin is providing 50,000 employment opportunities to the people of Australia. From the above analysis is proved that Virgin is in the front line of economic analysis as compared to Qantas (Lee et al., 2016). Further, moving on with Industry Analysis, the analysis will be made of demand-supply and exchange rate effect of Qantas and Virgin Airlines Holdings (Mao et al., 2013). During the world II, some of the supply of Qantas was dropped in the level of the treetop. After the postwar expansion, it gradually increased there was an increase in the supply of the company which can be seen by observing the increasing trend of sales per year (Piotroski and So 2012). Similarly, if Virgin is looked into the trend is same as to Qantas there is an increase in the supply of the airline's services. Next analysis is the effect of an exchange rate. Qantas had total gains of due in hedging of unrealized gains on long term debt as $ 12 million in 2015 and $ 54 million in 2014. Whereas, Virgin had suffered from loss of fuel which arises due to hedging of activities which was $129.4 million in the year 2015 and on which $ 106.7 million was the unrealized amount because of hedging. This proves that Qantas h as been the front line in the factor of exchange rate mechanism (Bartram and Grinblatt 2015). Finally moving on with the company analysis the factor of dividend and return has to be looked into in the above two airline (Goodman et al., 2013). Qantas has not paid final dividend and neither interim, instead of that there was declaration of and payment of non-controlling interest to the shareholders, who non-wholly owned the controlled entities $ 4 million in 2015 and $ 1 million on 2014. Virgin too had similar case in respect of dividend; there was not any existence of final dividend and neither the interim (Geis-Asteggiante et al., 2015). Instead, there was distribution of equity which was $ 17.8 million in the form of payment to the non-controlling interest holder during the year. Further moving on with the return on investment factor it is seen that Qantas achieved a return of 16.2% in 2015 and 1.5% in 2014. Whereas Virgin is taken into consideration, there has been decreasing in the percentage of return from 30% to 10%. In this context, Qantas has been the ruler in giving h ighest return to its shareholder (Breyer et al., 2013). Bottom up Analysis Bottom up analysis is determined on the calculation of the estimation of the sales which are potential in the market. Bottom down analysis is broad sector in the economic environment and is based on the factor affecting the company stock on the basis of business cycle of the business. It does not look into macro environment of the company. Bottom down analysis is the basically quantitative analysis. Bottom down analysis is done only to analyze the financial position in terms of figures (Bierman Jr and Smidt 2012). Bottom up analysis is done on the basis few accounting ratios and some of the budgeting factor. Accounting ratio includes computation of Current ratio, Quick ratio, Net Profit Margin Ratio and Return of Asset Ratio (Parker and Vannest 2012). Whereas, Capital budgeting techniques includes Net Present Value, Profitability Index, Annual Percentage Rate and Pay Back Period. All the above computations have been done by data present in the annual report of the respective companies (Hu et al., 2012). First, let us look into the Accounting Ratios which are given as follows: Current Ratio Qantas has current ratio 0.66 in 2014 and 0.68 in 2015, whereas, Virgin has 0.64 in 2014 and 0.69 in 2015. Current Ratio is calculated by total current assets divided by total current liabilities. Current ratio depicts cash available to the company for paying the long-term debt in liability. Current ratio interprets the liquidity position of the firm. Virgin has comparatively better position than Qantas in respect of paying long term debt in the category of current liability. But Qantas position in the year 2014 was comparatively better than that of Virgin because in the year 2014. Qantas ability for paying the long-term debts in respect of current liabilities was much high. On the present analysis, it will be said that Virgin is the better player in respect of paying the debts (Uechi et al., 2015). Quick Ratio - Qantas has quick ratio 0.56 in 2014 and 0.52 in 2015, whereas, Virgin has 0.57 in 2014 and 0.58 in 2015. Quick ratio is calculated by current asset divided by current liabilities by excluding the inventories form the current asset. Quick ratio depicts the position of the company in terms of cash available to be converted into cash. Virgin has comparatively better position than Qantas in respect of available cash for the transformation of Asset. But if the overall scenario, it has been observed that Qantas position has tremendously decreased that too with large difference. Qantas do not have sufficient amount of cash available as compared to Virgin for transforming into assets (Hrl et al., 2013). Net Profit Margin ratio - Qantas has Net Profit Margin Ratio -0.19 in 2014 and 0.04 in 2015, whereas, Virgin has -0.09 in 2014 and -0.06 in 2015. Net Profit Margin ratio is calculated by Net income/ loss divided by the net credit sales. In this context, Qantas has become the ruler regarding generating profit and effectively making use of resources available in the company. Virgin has been continuously facing loss for long span of time. On the prior year, Qantas has faced loss but proceeding further with the operations it has recovered from the situation of facing loss. But if a close look is given to the ratio, Virgin loss for the current year have decreased, which shows an indication of gradually improving the situation (Drivelos and Georgiou 2012). Return on Asset - Qantas has Return on Asset -0.15 in 2014 and 0.03 in 2015, whereas, Virgin has -0.09 in 2014 and -0.02 in 2015. Return on asset is calculated by Net income or loss divided by average of the total asset. In this context, Qantas has become the ruler regarding managing the assets for the producing the profit. Qantas has tremendously increased it return on assets from -0.15 to 0.03, Whereas; Virgin is still in the negative place. Virgin should not be ignored totally in these respects slowly and gradually it is moving decreasing the negative return. Qantas is effectively utilizing the assets for generating profit for the company (Bierman and Smidt 2012). Now moving on with some of the techniques of capital budgeting, the analyses for those are as follows: Net Present Value NPV is calculated as difference between present value of cash inflows and outflows. NPV of Qantas is 9,70,64,239 $ and Virgin is 2,47,72,244 $. It implies that there will be acceptability of Qantas because it has highest NPV. NPV shows acceptability of the project regarding measuring the present value of cash inflow and outflow. It is also helpful in analyzing the profitability of the projected investment. In the above point, Qantas is the ruler (Hayward et al., 2016). Annual Percentage Rate Qantas has a negative balance of finance cost in both the year. So there will be no APR in the case of Qantas because it has no borrowings. Whereas, Virgin has very high APR which shows that Virgin is very much liable for paying its return regarding loan taken by the company (Grob 2013). Profitability Index Profitability index is a somewhat modification of the NPV; it implies to be accepted if the PI calculated is greater than one and terms to be rejected if it is less than one or zero. Form the calculation done it has been observed that PI of Virgin is comparatively much higher than of Qantas in both the years. So in the respect acceptance, Virgin is accepted for doing the investment (Andor et al., 2015). Pay Back Period - Pay Back Period implies that the time taken to recover the cost of the investment done on the project. In this Virgin stands to be ruler for the recovery of the cost, for the investment done. Virgins Pay Back Period is the highest as compared to the Qantas (Saxena 2015). Recommendation Overall analysis of the report is seen that Virgin has comparatively better position in respect of providing liquidity, the acceptability of the project on return, payback period and profitability index. Qantas has proven to be the winner in doing the comparison related to performance of the company. Through the Top down Analysis it has been observed Qantas is in the better position for doing the further improvement in the company position. Further, it is also recommended that company Qantas should fulfill the requirement of payment of dividend to its investor because it is one of the important factors which is expected by the investors. If Virgin recovers the loss of the company, then it can be become the ruler of the market. Further, it is recommended that Virgin should make proper use of its assets regarding generating profit. From the bottom analysis, it has been observed that Virgin needs to increase its return on the equity otherwise, the investors with withdrawing their inves tment for the company. The financial position of the two companies depicts that Virgin is continuously facing the loss in the respect of Net income or loss achieved by the company, whereas Qantas has comparatively better position in the in terms of generating the profit for the company. So in this respect Virgin should find way to improve the position of the company by incurring income for the company. In terms of depicting the assets of the company Virgin is in the front line for getting advantage, whereas Qantas shows position, which is comparatively low show it needs to improve the position further. Highest return is the only thing which an investor looks. Further it is suggested that Virgin should increase it amount of assets so that it can fully utilize its asset for the generation of the profit. The overall top down analysis and bottom up analysis has been fully completed to its requirement. Reference list Andor, G., Mohanty, S.K. and Toth, T., 2015. Capital budgeting practices: a survey of Central and Eastern European firms.Emerging Markets Review,23, pp.148-172. Bartram, S.M. and Grinblatt, M., 2015. Fundamental Analysis Works.Available at SSRN 2479817. Bierman Jr, H. and Smidt, S., 2012.The capital budgeting decision: economic analysis of investment projects. Routledge. Breyer, C., Birkner, C., Meiss, J., Goldschmidt, J.C. and Riede, M. 2013, "A top-down analysis: Determining photovoltaics RD investments from patent analysis and RD headcount",Energy Policy,vol. 62, pp. 1570-1580. capital budgeting2016, , 6th edn, Oxford University Press. Capital budgeting 2016 Drivelos, S.A. and Georgiou, C.A., 2012. Multi-element and multi-isotope-ratio analysis to determine the geographical origin of foods in the European Union.TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry,40, pp.38-51. Fornelli, L., Parra, J., Hartmer, R., Stoermer, C., Lubeck, M. and Tsybin, Y.O., 2013. Top-down analysis of 3080 kDa proteins by electron transfer dissociation time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry,405(26), pp.8505-8514. Geis-Asteggiante, L., Dhabaria, A., Edwards, N., Ostrand-Rosenberg, S. and Fenselau, C. 2015, "Topdown analysis of low mass proteins in exosomes shed by murine myeloid-derived suppressor cells",International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,vol. 378, pp. 264-269. Goodman, T.H., Neamtiu, M. and Zhang, F., 2013. Fundamental analysis and option returns.Available at SSRN 1974753. Grob, H.L., 2013.Capital budgeting with financial plans: an introduction. Springer-Verlag. Guerrero, A., Lerno, L., Barile, D. and Lebrilla, C.B., 2015. Top-down analysis of highly post-translationally modified peptides by fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry,26(3), pp.453-459. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

External Factors and Political Factors †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the External Factors and Political Factors. Answer: Introdution: MFC is required to replace the existing ferries and seeks to undertake project for the same. They are required to determine the required rate of return for which they are facing difficulties and randomly using the required rate of return at 10%. An organization named Adsteam Limited is similar to MFC that has determined equity cost of capital by considering risk premium along with unsystematic and systematic risks. Using equity cost of capital as arrived by Adsteam Limited should be used by MFC, as it is feasible. Hence, appropriate rate of return that MFC should use for project evaluation is 12%. MFC is undertaking project for replacing their existing ferries and report deals with evaluation of project using the technique of capital budgeting. This helps in determining projects feasibility. Operation of ferries is done on two sites of MFC that is Bay site and Greenwich site. However, an operation of replaced ferries that is four jet car ferries is suitable on Bay site. Required rate of return or equity cost of capital for evaluation of project is 12%. Total initial outlay incurred by MFC stood at $ $ 7226200 and the equity cost of capital is 12% that is used for determining net present value of project. Net present value of for cat ferries involves in the business activities of MFC is arrived by considering time value of money that is computed at $ 29808467. Figure is suggestive of the fact that future cash inflow from undertaking project of replacing ferries is more than initial outlay made (Brigham 2014). Conclusion: From the above analysis and computation, it can be concluded that project is feasible and MFC should be accepted. This is so because, net present value of four cat ferries is positive. ARR gives the clear picture of profitability of any project and total lifecycle of investment is taken into consideration. However, accounting rate of return does not take into account time vale of money. Under this technique of evaluation of investment project, benefits acquired by firms from abandonment of any equipment replaced by new equipment are not considered under this technique. ARR does not take into account determination of average investment levels and they should not be used as decision-making criteria as the cash inflow of any project is not taken into account (Arnold 2013). Furthermore, chances are there that organization can reject some profitable projects if the current earnings are more than value of accounting rate of return. An organization is required to consider many factors while undertaking the project of replacing any parts involved in functioning. Some of the factors that should be consider are internal to organization as well as they are external. External factors are political factors, some macro economic factors such inflation and general environment in which organization operates. Quality and change control involved in managing four cat ferries needs to be considered while evaluating the project feasibility (Bodie 2013). References: Arnold, G., 2013.Corporate financial management. Pearson Higher Ed. Bodie, Z., 2013.Investments. McGraw-Hill. Brigham, E.F., 2014.Financial management theory and practice. Atlantic Publishers Distri. Lasher, W.R., 2013.Practical financial management. Nelson Education.